Top Trending Github Projects on 06/02/2023: Discover the Latest and Hottest Repositories!

Adair Lee
12 min readJun 2, 2023

Projects that have already appeared in previous Github ranking lists will not display details, please refer to previous lists for information.

Rank #1 PromtEngineer/localGPT
Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.
Language: Python
Stars: 2,205(636 stars today) Forks:237
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Rank #2 TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI
<⚡️> SuperAGI — A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.
Language: Python
Stars: 1,083(330 stars today) Forks:61
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Rank #3 gin-gonic/gin
Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance — up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
Language: Go
Stars: 69,053(34 stars today) Forks:7,489
The Gin Web Framework is a high-performance web framework written in Go that features a martini-like API. It is designed to provide fast and reliable performance, with a router that has zero allocation, middleware support, and built-in JSON validation and error management. Gin is ideal for developers who want to build web applications that require high performance and good productivity.

Gin can be applied in a wide range of fields, including web development, cloud computing, and microservices. It can be used to build APIs, web applications, and microservices that require high performance and scalability. The framework is extendable, allowing developers to add custom middleware and plugins to enhance its functionality.

Commercial applications of Gin include building high-performance web applications and APIs for e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and other industries. It can also be used to build microservices for cloud-based applications that require high performance and scalability. Overall, Gin is a powerful web framework that is well-suited for building high-performance web applications and APIs in a wide range of industries.
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Rank #4 s0md3v/roop
one-click deepfake (face swap)
Language: Python
Stars: 7,618(1,001 stars today) Forks:858
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Rank #5 milvus-io/milvus
A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications
Language: Go
Stars: 19,241(57 stars today) Forks:2,199
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Rank #6 lyuchenyang/Macaw-LLM
Macaw-LLM: Multi-Modal Language Modeling with Image, Video, Audio, and Text Integration
Language: Python
Stars: 436(78 stars today) Forks:29
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Rank #7 FurkanGozukara/Stable-Diffusion
Best Stable Diffusion and AI Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks
Language: Jupyter Notebook
Stars: 174(31 stars today) Forks:17
The project “Expert-Level Tutorials on Stable Diffusion” is a collection of tutorial videos on various advanced techniques and strategies related to Stable Diffusion. The tutorials are created by Dr. Furkan Gözükara, an Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering department of a private university. The tutorials cover a range of topics, including Automatic1111 Web UI, Google Colab Guides, DreamBooth, Textual Inversion/Embedding, LoRA, AI Upscaling, and Video to Anime.

The tutorials are designed for programmers and developers who want to master advanced techniques and strategies related to Stable Diffusion. The tutorials can be applied in a wide range of fields, including software engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. The tutorials provide a comprehensive guide to Stable Diffusion, covering everything from installation and setup to advanced techniques and strategies.

Commercial applications of Stable Diffusion include building high-performance applications and systems that require advanced techniques and strategies related to Stable Diffusion. The tutorials can be used to enhance the skills of developers and programmers, allowing them to build more advanced and sophisticated applications and systems. Overall, the project is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to master advanced techniques and strategies related to Stable Diffusion.
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Rank #8 uidotdev/usehooks
A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks — from the team
Language: JavaScript
Stars: 5,189(177 stars today) Forks:329
The useHooks project is a collection of modern, server-safe React hooks created by the team. The project provides a wide range of hooks that can be used to enhance the functionality and performance of React applications. The hooks are divided into two categories: Standard and Experimental.

The Standard hooks include a range of commonly used hooks such as useClickAway, useCounter, useDebounce, useGeolocation, useHover, useMediaQuery, useThrottle, and useToggle. These hooks can be used in a wide range of fields, including web development, mobile app development, and software engineering. They can be used to enhance the functionality and performance of React applications, making them more efficient and user-friendly.

The Experimental hooks include a range of cutting-edge hooks such as useFetch, useInterval, useLocalStorage, usePageLeave, and useSessionStorage. These hooks are still in the experimental phase and are not recommended for use in production environments. However, they provide developers with an opportunity to experiment with new techniques and strategies for enhancing the functionality and performance of React applications.

Commercial applications of useHooks include building high-performance web and mobile applications that require advanced techniques and strategies for enhancing their functionality and performance. The project is well-suited for developers and programmers who want to build sophisticated and efficient React applications in a wide range of industries, including e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and more. Overall, useHooks is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to enhance the functionality and performance of their React applications.
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Rank #9 spacedriveapp/spacedrive
Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
Language: Rust
Stars: 17,975(306 stars today) Forks:477
Spacedrive is an open-source cross-platform file manager that features a virtual distributed file system (VDFS) written in Rust. It allows users to organize files across multiple devices in one place, combining the storage capacity and processing power of devices into a personal distributed cloud that is both secure and intuitive to use. The project is still under active development, and most of the listed features are experimental and subject to change.

The VDFS used in Spacedrive is a file system designed to work across a variety of storage layers. It maintains a virtual index of all storage locations and synchronizes the database between clients in real-time. This implementation also uses Content-addressable storage (CAS) to uniquely identify files while keeping a record of logical file paths relative to the storage locations.

Spacedrive is motivated by the need for a file management experience that is both secure and personally owned. It aims to provide a free file management experience like no other for independent creatives, hoarders, and those who want to own their digital footprint. The project is well-suited for developers and programmers who want to build secure and efficient file management systems.

Commercial applications of Spacedrive include building secure and efficient file management systems for individuals and organizations across a wide range of industries. It can be used to organize files across multiple devices, providing a personal distributed cloud that is both secure and intuitive to use. Overall, Spacedrive is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to build secure and efficient file management systems.
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Rank #10 ClassmateLin/dm-ticket
大麦网自动购票, 支持docker一键部署。Damai automatically purchases tickets, running in docker container.
Language: Rust
Stars: 4,644(1,818 stars today) Forks:905
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Rank #11 dair-ai/ML-Papers-of-the-Week
🔥Highlighting the top ML papers every week.
Stars: Sponsor(317 stars today) Forks:118
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Rank #12 saadeghi/daisyui
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
Language: Svelte
Stars: 21,153(83 stars today) Forks:829
DaisyUI is a free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library that provides a wide range of customizable and themeable components for faster and cleaner HTML development. It is a plugin for Tailwind CSS and is pure CSS, which means it works on all frameworks. The project is well-suited for web developers and designers who want to build modern and responsive web applications.

DaisyUI features a wide range of components, including buttons, forms, modals, navigation bars, and much more. The components are customizable and themeable, allowing developers to create unique designs for their web applications. The project is easy to install and use, making it a popular choice for web developers and designers.

Commercial applications of DaisyUI include building modern and responsive web applications for various industries, including e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and more. The project can be used to enhance the functionality and performance of web applications, making them more efficient and user-friendly. Overall, DaisyUI is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to build modern and responsive web applications using Tailwind CSS.
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Rank #13 QiuChenly/MyMacsAppCrack
MacBook 自用软件破解(macOS Intel)
Language: Shell
Stars: 909(36 stars today) Forks:120
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Rank #14 MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs
Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure
Language: Markdown
Stars: 8,994(53 stars today) Forks:19,918
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Rank #15 pittcsc/Summer2023-Internships
Collection of Summer 2023 & Summer 2024 tech internships!
Language: Python
Stars: 17,428(158 stars today) Forks:1,817
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Rank #16 SevaSk/ecoute
Ecoute is a live transcription tool that provides real-time transcripts for both the user’s microphone input (You) and the user’s speakers output (Speaker) in a textbox. It also generates a suggested response using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 for the user to say based on the live transcription of the conversation.
Language: Python
Stars: 2,836(332 stars today) Forks:326
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Rank #17 ctlllll/LLM-ToolMaker

Language: Jupyter Notebook
Stars: 574(144 stars today) Forks:48
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Rank #18 deepinsight/insightface
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
Language: Python
Stars: 15,394(102 stars today) Forks:4,359
InsightFace is a 2D and 3D face analysis project that provides a wide range of tools and techniques for face recognition, detection, and analysis. The project is mainly maintained by Jia Guo and Jiankang Deng and is released under the MIT License. It can be used for both academic and commercial purposes, but the training data containing annotations and the models trained with these data are available for non-commercial research purposes only.

InsightFace features a wide range of tools and techniques for face recognition, detection, and analysis, including face anti-spoofing, face swapping, face localization, and face recognition. The project is well-suited for researchers, developers, and programmers who want to build advanced face analysis systems for various industries, including security, marketing, social media, and more.

Commercial applications of InsightFace include building advanced face recognition systems for various industries, such as security, marketing, and social media. It can be used to enhance the security of buildings and public spaces, identify customers for targeted marketing, and analyze social media trends. Overall, InsightFace is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to build advanced face analysis systems using cutting-edge tools and techniques.
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Rank #19 THUDM/ChatGLM-6B
ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型
Language: Python
Stars: 27,114(242 stars today) Forks:3,431
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Rank #20 imClumsyPanda/langchain-ChatGLM
langchain-ChatGLM, local knowledge based ChatGLM with langchain | 基于本地知识库的 ChatGLM 问答
Language: Python
Stars: 7,776(142 stars today) Forks:1,049
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Rank #21 hwchase17/langchain
⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
Language: Python
Stars: 44,267(303 stars today) Forks:5,096
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Rank #22 Chainlit/chainlit
Build Python LLM apps in minutes ⚡️
Language: TypeScript
Stars: 840(149 stars today) Forks:52
Chainlit is a Python library that allows users to create ChatGPT-like UIs on top of any Python code in minutes. The library is designed to simplify the process of building Python LLM (Language Model Microservice) applications by providing a range of tools and features, including intermediary steps visualization, element management and display (images, text, carousel, etc.), and cloud deployment.

Chainlit is well-suited for developers and programmers who want to build Python LLM applications for various industries, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and more. It allows users to create complex applications with a simple and intuitive UI, making it easier to manage and analyze data.

Commercial applications of Chainlit include building Python LLM applications for various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and marketing. The library can be used to create applications that analyze financial data, provide medical diagnoses, and analyze social media trends. Overall, Chainlit is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to build Python LLM applications with a simple and intuitive UI.
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Rank #23 microsoft/hack-together-teams
HackTogether: The Microsoft Teams Global Hack | Register, Hack, Win 👇
Language: C#
Stars: 184(31 stars today) Forks:15
HackTogether is a global hackathon organized by Microsoft Teams, aimed at encouraging developers to build apps for the Teams platform. The hackathon provides participants with mentorship from Microsoft experts and access to the latest tech, allowing them to learn how to build Teams apps based on the top Microsoft Teams app scenarios. The hackathon runs from June 1st to June 15th, and participants can submit their hacks for a chance to win exciting prizes.

HackTogether is well-suited for developers and programmers who want to build apps for Microsoft Teams. The hackathon provides participants with a range of resources, including project ideas, code templates, and learning materials, making it easier to build apps for Teams. The hackathon can be applied in various fields, including education, healthcare, finance, and more.

Commercial applications of HackTogether include building apps for Microsoft Teams for various industries, such as education, healthcare, and finance. The hackathon can be used to create apps that automate workflows, provide real-time communication, and analyze data. Overall, HackTogether is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to build apps for Microsoft Teams and learn from Microsoft experts.
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Rank #24 projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates
Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
Stars: Star(16 stars today) Forks:1,986
Nuclei Templates is a community-curated list of templates for the Nuclei scanner, which is used to find security vulnerabilities in applications. The repository contains various templates for the scanner provided by the Nuclei team, as well as templates contributed by the community. The goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive list of templates that can be used to scan applications for security vulnerabilities.

Nuclei Templates can be applied in various fields, including cybersecurity, software development, and IT operations. The project is well-suited for security researchers, developers, and IT professionals who want to scan applications for security vulnerabilities. The templates can be used to scan web applications, APIs, and other software systems for vulnerabilities.

Commercial applications of Nuclei Templates include using the templates to scan applications for security vulnerabilities in various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and technology. The project can be used to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in software systems, improving the overall security of the organization. Overall, Nuclei Templates is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve the security of their software systems and stay ahead of potential security threats.
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Rank #25 terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks
Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated resources 🇺🇦
Language: HCL
Stars: 3,534(4 stars today) Forks:3,590
The AWS EKS Terraform module is a tool for creating AWS EKS resources using Terraform. The module provides a range of features, including support for EKS cluster addons, identity provider configuration, and various node types, such as EKS Managed Node Group, Self Managed Node Group, and Fargate Profile. The module also supports creating Karpenter related AWS infrastructure.

The AWS EKS Terraform module can be applied in various fields, including cloud computing, DevOps, and software development. The module is well-suited for developers and IT professionals who want to create AWS EKS resources using Terraform. The module can be used to create and manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS, making it easier to deploy and manage containerized applications.

Commercial applications of the AWS EKS Terraform module include using the module to create and manage Kubernetes clusters for various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and technology. The module can be used to deploy and manage containerized applications in a scalable and efficient manner, improving the overall performance of the organization. Overall, the AWS EKS Terraform module is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create and manage Kubernetes clusters on AWS using Terraform.
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Adair Lee

Experienced full-stack developer proficient in C#, Python, and web development, with 20+ years of Google SEO expertise and successful entrepreneurship.