Experience the enchanting and imaginative world of botanical art through the works of talented artists like Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Yoh Nagao, and Lisa Frank. From realistic to fantastical, their art captures the beauty and magic of flowers in unique and vivid ways. Let Midjourney take you on a colorful journey into their artistic visions.
New Midjourney prompts:
colorful [flower] fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Petal fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Bloom fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Stamen fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Fragrance fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Pollination fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Nectar fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16
colorful Blossom fantasy , realistic, art by jean baptiste monge, takashi murakami, yoh nagao, lisa frank ,vivid and vibrant --q 2 --v 5.1 --ar 9:16